Silkprinted poster by Thomas Perrodin
brought to Leipzig, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Moscow, Kiev, Warsaw, Gdańsk and Berlin.
Produced by COPYPASTA éditions & [ a n y m a ]
Suported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Moscow
“The public that enters this intense and fascinating laboratory for sensorial experimentations is brought down to various atmospheres from a soft stroll to an earthquake.”

BIBLIOTEQ MDULAIR is an orchestra made of some 15 analogue function generators for four hands played by polish/swiss/french duet Emma Souharce and Daniel Maszkowicz. With its oscilloscopes, sinusoidals, and frequency sweeps, this sound installation produces all kind of waveforms, exploring vibrations, tickeling resonances, and creating breathing beats. Those primitive electronics machines bring the soundspace down to a magma of waves for a dizzying acoustactile experience.
SYNKIE is an analogue ecosystem for video manipulation created by Michael Egger, Max Egger and Florian Kaufmann. This modular video synthesiser stands as the perfect alter-ego of legendary Moog and works as a true analogue processor for the moving image. The three creators/experimenters will distributes their video waves on dozens of CTR televisions for creating a total audiovisual symbiosis.

> LEIPZIG – Germany
@ swag han hop, eisenbahnstraße, web event
> HELSINKI – Finland
@ Akusmata, Sound art Gallery
Akusmata Sound Festival 2017
1.9. – 3.9.2017
Biblioteq Mdulair (SUI, FRA) & Synkie (SUI): Emma Souharce, Daniel Maszkowicz, Max Egger.
dno< sound theater (AUS, RUS): Denis Sorokin, Sergei Tumanov.
Peak to Valley Ratio (DE): Adda Schade, David Krützkamp.
Desert M (FIN): Valtteri Hyvärinen.
Tottumiskysymys (FIN): Olli Haveri, Jukka Laine, Jokke Katajamäki, Ville Olaskari.
Elías Merino (ESP).
Petteri Mäkiniemi (FIN): Ginette synth solo.
Jarno Tikka, sax & Suvi Linnovaara, sax (FIN).
> TALLINN – Estonia
@ MIMstuudio
4th season opening party with [..dno< sound theater].
> RIGA – Latvia
@ Bolderāja, web event
> MOSCOW – Russia
@ Stanislavsky Electrotheatre
Staircase Performances – Electrostatica
> KIEV – Ukraine
@ Visual Culture Research Center
Part of : Gray Cube – Art on corruption
The phenomenon of corruption, which is usually associated with political or sociological issues, has an artistic potential. Paraphrasing, obscuring, creating secret sign systems – these forms of corrupt behavior can be perceived as artistic techniques that transform the present into fiction. Amid the absent rule of law and basic infrastructures, corruption can create its own perverse mechanisms of social interaction. It inevitably contaminates the space around. Corruption shapes not only a person in society, but even a person in its own body.
Artists: Oleksandr Burlaka, Leon Kahane, Dana Kosmina, Stanislav Menzelevsky, Anna Onufrienko, Ghenadie Popescu, Oleksiy Radinsky, Oleksandr Teliuk.
Radio International: Episode 1
The sound is clearly primary, w/ Biblioteq Mdulair and Synkie
> WARSAW – Poland
@ Palace of Culture and Science (Pałac Kultury i Nauki)
Welcome reception for 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’17 ECCE Europe. web
> GDAŃSK – Poland
@ Kolonia Artystów
Workshop with Synkie from 12.00 to 18.00, live show at 20.00.
“Like a Moog or Doepfer synth, the Synkie was developed with modularity in mind. So far, [ a n y m a ] has built modules to split and combine the sync and video signals, and modules to invert, add, subtract, mix, filter and amplify those signals. The end result of all this video processing produces an output that can look like a glitched Atari, art installation, and scrambled cable station all at the same time.”
– Brian Benchoff – Hackaday
> BERLIN – Germany
@ Madame Claude
Cette aventure a bénéficié du soutien de Pro Helvetia